Oak Park located in Chicago grapples one of the oldest water distribution networks in the region.
Leak Detection Equipment from HWM Helps Town of Mogi Mirim, Brazil, Reduce Water Loss by 12.6%
Permalog+ enables utility service provider to hit all-time low in south London
SMART Log from HWM is a wireless AMR system that allows drive-by meter readings even in the worst weather conditions
Waterscan Chooses COMLog Wireless Data Loggers from HWM for Commercial Water Management
HWM dataloggers help Bristol Water keep things flowing at Glastonbury
COMLog’s half-hourly data allows for deeper interrogation of individual buildings’ consumption
HWM’s PermaNet allows HOFOR & Leif Koch to carry out five-year study
Permalog+, Patroller, TriCorr Touch Pro work together to help decrease non-revenue water loss and daily flows resulting in significant cost …
FCS can offer the complete turnkey solution including installation, data delivery exports and viewing platforms, enabling reliable meter reading and energy management.